¼g«H¸òªk°ê¼t°Ó¹ï§Ü §Ú·|·S¤W³Â·Ð¹À?
§Ú®a¶R¤FDe Dietrichªºoven »á¶Q ÁÙ¶R¤F¨â¦~ªºgaurantee, µ²ªGÃa°Õ °£¤F¤@¶}©l¨ÓÀˬd¤@¤U»¡¦³Ó¹s¥óÃa±¼n´« ¤w¸g¤S2Ó¥b¤ë¹L¥h¤FÁÙ¤£¨Ó× ¨C¦¸¥´¥I¶O¹q¸Ü³£ÂǤf¤@¤j°ï µ²½×´N¬O¦Aµ¥ ³Ìªñ¤@¦¸¥´¹q¸Ü®É»¡¤W§«ô·|±H«H¨Ó»¡©ú ³o§«ô¤S§Ö¹L¥h¤F §Ú¸ò§Úªk°êªº¦Ñ¤½»¡§A¹q¸Ü¸Ì¦³¨S¦³¥Í®ð°Ú ¥L»¡¨S¥Îªº ³o¸Ì¬Oªk°ê §Ú®ð¬µ¤F §Ú»¡´N¬O¤j®a³£¹³§A¤@¼Ë ªk°ê¤H¤~·|³o»òÃi°Õ ¨S¤S°â«áªA°È°Õ §Únmail¬¶ÅF©Ò¦³ºô¸ô¤W§äªº¨ìªºDe Dietrichªºe-mail ³sĬ«X°Õ ^°ê©Ô§Ú³£±H¤F §Ú»¡«ç»ò¥i¥H©h®§©O ¶Rguarantee¶R°²ªº¹À ©Ò¥H§Ú±H¤F¤Q¨Ó«Ê³o¼Ëªº«H§a ±Hµ¹½Ö§Ú¤]¤£²M·¡ ´N¬ODe Dietrich·j¯Á¨ìªº³sµ¸e-mail
¬Ý¬Ý§Ú¼gªº«H ¶Ã±H¤@³q ½Ð°Ý§Ú·|¦³³Â·Ð¹À
"De Dietrich"
such a shitty company.
We bought the oven (France)and paid for the 2 year
now the oven is broken for 2 and half month, only came
a guy in the beginning to tell us one part is borken ,need replace,then
wait 2months more still answer" this part is not available", we
everytime spending the phone fare to call the company,
only got no sure answer and told us to wait to wait.
that's the way "De Dietrich" treat customer, I will
write to all available e-mail address relating to
Detrich around the world until the day my oven get
and talk to all people I know never try to buy your
products and write on any asscessible forum online to
let people know your true face.
If you dare to sell us guarantee,
you should be able to replace a new oven for us if the part is not available.
poor service, unbelieve poor.
a angry customer"
§Ú¬O¨SÁx:sad: ¼g§¹¤F¤~¦A·Q·|¤£·|·S³Â·Ð ¬O¤£¬O§Ú·Q¤Ó¦h¤F ¥u¬OÅU«È©ê«è«H¹ï§a
§Ú¯uªº«Ü®ð°Ú §Ö¤TÓ¤ë¦Y¤£¨ìpie°Ú
[[i] Last edited by heidi on 2007-11-9 at 08:58 AM [/i]] |
juriste | 2007-11-9 02:14 AM |
[url]http://www.finances.gouv.fr/DGCCRF/documentation/dossier_litiges/index.htm[/url] |
¤£¹L§Úı±o³o¼Ë¤ñ¸û·|³Qtaken seriously³á |
£~~~ O S Kay...ɰݤ@¤U LouLou ¤j¤j CXN ¯À¤°»ò??? ©çÁ°Õ~~~ |
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great §Ú¦Ñ¤½èªá¤F¥b¤p®É¥´¥h°Ýoven §Ú¦b®ÇÃä¤@ª½»¡"be angry be angry, don't smile, don't merci them"
µ²ªGµª®×¬O ³o§«ô«e·|§iª¾ great §Ú¸ò§Ú¦Ñ¤½»¡§A¨S¸ò¥LÌ»¡¤£n¦AÄF¤H¤F µ¥¥L̦^µª¥Ã»·µ¥¤£¨ì
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¤j®aµ´¹ï¤£n¦A¶R" De Dietrich"ªº¥ô¦ó²£«~¤F:mad::mad:
2F»¡ªº¨ºÓ¬F©²ºô¯¸ §Ú¦Ñ¤½¬Ý¤F¬Ý»¡¯u¥¿ÄF¿ú§ä¤£¨ì¤H¥X±ªº¤~¯à§ë¶D »¡¥LÌÁÙ¦³¤H±µ¹q¸Ü ©Ò¥H¤£ºâÄF¤H
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[[i] Last edited by heidi on 2007-11-9 at 06:18 PM [/i]] |
·N·Q¤£¨ìªº¦¬¨ì¤@«Ê«H±q·s¥[©YªºDe Dietrich±H¨Óªº ¤Ñ°Ú §Ú±H«H±H¨ì·s¥[©Y¥h¤F§Ú³£¤£ª¾¹D ÁÙ¬O¨È¬w¤H¦b¥Gservice
µ¹¤j®a¬Ý¬Ý³oÓ·s¥[©Y¤H©~µMÀ°§Ú§â«HÂ൹ªk°ê¤H ¤Sµ¹§Ú¤@Ó¥i¥Hª½±µ¥´³q§ä¬Y¤Hªº¹q¸Ü ¤£¹L³o¦ìªk°êmadam¤w¸g¤U¯Z¤F(5:30pm) great ¤Snµ¥¨ì¬P´Á¤@ §Ú¯d¤U§Úªº¹q¸Ü ·Q»¡¦³ºØ¥LÌ´N¥´¨Ó¸ò§Ú¸ÑÄÀ¤°»ò¬O°â«áªA°È°Ú.......(¦³¨Ç³sµ¸ªº²Ó¸`§Ú´N°¨ÁɧJxxx³B²z¤F)
--- Charbon Patrice - Brandt Asia
<[email]Patrice.Charbon@fagorbrxxx.com[/email]> »¡¡G
> Dear Sir,
> Thanks to Mr Neumann, we happen to learn about the
> problem you encounter with your De Dietrich oven.
> We are sorry for it.
> We would like to help you but I am not sure that we,
> from Singapore, can do anything for you. You seem to
> live in Taiwan or in France.
> If it is Taiwan, let us know we will try to organize
> something from Singapore.
> If it is France then kindly contact Isabelle Serain
> at Brandt Customer Services Tel : +33 1 3.xxxxxx
> Best Regards,
> Patrice Charbon
> Managing Director
> Brandt Asia Pte Ltd
> [url]www.brandt.com.sg[/url]
> [url]www.dedietrich.com.sg[/url]
> ________________________________
¤U«Ê´N¬O¥L¼gµ¹§Ú¬Ýªº ¤£¹Lªk¤å§Ú¬Ý¤£À´ ¬O¥LÀ°§Ú¸òªk°ê¤H³sµ¸ªº¤º®e§a
> From: NEUMANN Jean-Marc
> [mailto:Jean-Marc.NEUMxxx@DeDietrich.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 6:37 PM
> To: Charbon Patrice - Brandt Asia
> Cc: Doll Isabelle - Brandt SNC
> Subject: TR: poor service
> Importance: High
> Bonjour Monsieur,
> notre directeur commercial Eric Colleter vient de
> recevoir un message peu flatteur d'un client
> mainifestement mecontent d'un four De Dietrich.
> Je vous laisse le soin d'y reserver la suite qu'il
> comporte.
> Bien cordialement
> Jean-Marc NEUMANN
> Responsable des Affaires Juridiques & Assurances
> Tel.:+ 33 3 88 80 26xxx
> Fax:+ 33 3 88 80 26xxx
> E-mail:jean-marc.neumxxx@dedietrich.com
> De Dietrich , societe par actions simplifiee
> (S.A.S.) au capital de ??24.199.320 inscrite au
> RCS de Strasbourg sous le numero 344 344 908;siege
> social:Chateau de Reichshoffen,F-67110
> Niederbronn-les-Bains
Great, finally I got a phone number with a name.but I
just let my French-speaker financee called,( 5:30pm
Friday), apparently this lady"Isabelle Serain at
Brandt Customer Services Tel : +33 1 3xxxxx" is
not available until Monday.
I am Taiwanese living in Paris, this kind of service
for me is not understandable.Maybe because you are
inSingapore and only Asians care abour aftersale
Let me explained to you, in August, the oven is
broken, after ,a guy came to check( August 24th) and
tell us we need replace a part, will contact us in one
week or so, aftersince, everyweek we called ,
everytime different people answered(so we have to
explain everything again) and told us to wait one
more week and they will inform us the situation, they
never call us back after 1 week, just everytime give
us hope that next week they will contact us,
.......never,and today is November 9th .
last week again they said will contact us last week,
nothing happened, we called again today(Friday), same,
tell us will contact us in one week.
who can I believe from De Dietrich? I hope Monday we
are able to find this lady"Isabelle Serain" and get
our oven fixed!!
or anyone who can assure our problem solved , we are
here waiting someone to give us the answer that why we
were continuely be cheated by those De Dietrich
operaters who answered our phones.
My phone number(France) 0954-193xxx (if any your
people in France wants and able to solve customer's
problem during the weekend.) We are here waiting for
the answer(since 2month and half ago)
´N° ½Ð°Ý¤j®a§Ú¬O¤£¬O¼g«H¼g¨ì¬Æ»ò¤j¦ÑÁ󨺰Õ(ÁÙ¬O§Ú·Q¤Ó¦h)
½ä¤@¤U§«ô¤@¨ºÓIsabelle Serain¯uªº·|À°¨ì§Úªº¦£¹À ÁÙ¬O¸ò¨ä¥¦±µ½u¥Í¤@¼Ë°äÄê°Ú?
[[i] Last edited by heidi on 2007-11-9 at 06:14 PM [/i]] |
Dear Heidi,
I don't know if you could find your original purchase receipt of that oven together with the two-year guarantee that you bought?
If so, do keep it in a place that you can reach easily while you call your oven fabricant.
Please study carefully on every terms in your guarantee contract. Try to find if they can replace you one while the old one is under repairement.
Emotional wordings can play very little on your favor. Talk to them with their own contract. And, if possible, play a little charm might work better....
Sorry for the sudden anglophile... impact of "free rice" program?:)
Wishing you all the best,
[[i] Last edited by lpbm on 2008-10-20 at 07:01 PM [/i]] |
¦^´_ #9 lpbm ªº©«¤l
free rice?
·íµM¦¬¾Ú©Mgaurantee³£ÁÙ¦b ¨C¦¸¥´¹q¸Ü¹L¥h³£¦³·Ó¦¬¾Úªº¤º®e¸ÑÄÀ¤@¹M ¤§«e±µ¹q¸Üªº¤H¤]¦³»¡¦³¶Rguarantee¬O¥i¥H½ß¤@¥x·sªº «ÂI¬O»¡n§â§Ú̪ºcase¶Çµ¹t³d°â«áªA°Èªº¤H ¦AÅý¥L̦^¹q µM«á¥¼´¿¦^¹q ¨C¦¸¥´¹q¸Ü¹L¥h±µªº³£¬O¤£À´ª¬ªp ¥ut³d±µ¹q¸Üªº¤H
¨S¦³¤@Óµª®×»¡¬On´«¹s¥óÁÙ¬O´«·sªº ÁÙ¦³¦ó®É
¦Ó¥B¥´¹q¸Ü¹L¥hªº³£¬O§Ú¦Ñ¤½ ¥L¥i¬O¤@ª½merci merci §Y¨Ï§Ú®ðªºn©R ¥LÁÙ¬O³£«Ü«È®ðªº¥´¹q¸Ü°Ú
[[i] Last edited by heidi on 2007-11-10 at 02:28 PM [/i]] |
free rice:
[url]http://roc.taiwan.free.fr/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16380&fpage=1&highlight=[/url] |
¤µ¤Ñ²×©ó§ä¨ì¨º¦ìmadame, §Ú¦Ñ¤½¸ò¦o²á¤F¤@°} ¤£¤[§Ú¦¬¨ì¦oªºE-mail »¡·|´«·sªºoven
§Ú¦Ñ¤½è¦n¨®º×¦b®a×¾i¥i¥Hµ¥¹q¸Ü §Æ±æ§Ú¤U½Ò¦^®a ¦³ovenªºµª®× ÁöµM¨ºÓmadame ¼g¤F«H¨Ó §ÚÁÙ¬O§Ô¤£¦í¤S¦^¤F¤@«Ê ¬Ý¬Ý¦oªþ¥»±Hµ¹¤£¤Ö¤H ÁÙ¦³¦o̳o¨Ç¤H¤@¶}©l³£¦bÃhºÃ§Ú¬O¦í¦b¥xÆW ¦]¬°§Ú¤@¶}©l©È·S³Â·Ð(·Q¤Ó¦h ©È¥Îfree.frªºe-mail·|³Q°l±þ)¥Îªº¬Oyahoo.twªº«H½c ©Ò¥H¬Oªk°ê¨È¬wÁp¦X°Q½×§Ú³oӥͮ𪺫Ȥá©O
°Æ¥»§Û°e: "Charbon Patrice - Brandt Asia" <[email]Patrice.Charxxx@fagorbrandt.com[/email]>, "Doll Isabxxle - Brandt SNC" <[email]Isabelle.Doll@fagxxbrandt.com[/email]>, [email]Jean-Marc.NxxMANN@DeDietrich.com[/email], "Koh Stephen - Brandt Asia" <[email]Stexxen.Koh@fagorbrandt.com[/email]>, "Truvelot Claire - FagorBrandt SAS Cergy" <[email]claire.truvelot@fagoxxxandt.com[/email]>
Dear Mr Monnery,
In name of De Dietrich, I understand and I regret the nuisances which are yours.
As promised you during our phone conversation of this morning, I have contacted our Intervention Department in France to obtain some new information regarding the decision has been taken for your oven and to give you support (product has purchased on December 2006 from ?œDiscount Company?? French company, for your house located in Montrouge-France).
You will receive a call from them today to confirm you that your Oven will be exchanged (due to the long time of unavailability of spare parts to repair it).
Remaining at your disposal for any additional information.
With my best regards,
Isabelle SERAIN
¥DÃD: RE: poor service
¦¬¥óªÌ: "Serain Isabelle - FagorBrandt SAS Cergy" <[email]isabexxx.serain@fagorbrandt.com[/email]>
I already let my boyfriend Monnery read your mail, he
will be at home whole day to wait for the phone.
He is too gentle to complain, and I don't understand
french so I don't know if he did fully show my anger.
I hope you can understand what happened to us.
Let me explained to you, in mid August, the oven is
broken, after ,a guy came to check( August 24th) and
tell us we need replace a part, will contact us in one
week or so, aftersince, everyweek we called ,
everytime different people answered and transfered the
phone to other persons(so we have to
explain everything again to two or three persons )
and finally always told us to wait one
more week and they will inform us the situation, they
never call us back after 1 week, just everytime give
us hope that next week they will contact us,
.......never,and almost 3 months past.
last last week again they said will contact us before
last week,
nothing happened, we called again last Friday, same,
tell us will contact us before Sunday. as you see,
today is Monday. What am I most curiously about is why
they never call us back as they promised.
This is the phone number(0810-632525) we always spent
about 30mins to call everyweek during the past 3
months before we had your number.
Maybe your company has to check what happened to those
people who answer this phone line there.
Thank you for your help.
[[i] Last edited by heidi on 2007-11-12 at 11:54 AM [/i]] |
[quote]Originally posted by [i]heidi[/i] at 2007-11-10 14:02:
free rice?
·íµM¦¬¾Ú©Mgaurantee³£ÁÙ¦b ¨C¦¸¥´¹q¸Ü¹L¥h³£¦³·Ó¦¬¾Úªº¤º®e¸ÑÄÀ¤@¹M ¤§«e±µ¹q¸Üªº¤H¤]¦³»¡¦³¶Rguarantee¬O¥i¥H½ß¤@¥x·sªº «ÂI¬O»¡n§â§Ú̪ºcase¶Çµ¹t³d°â«áªA°Èªº¤H ¦AÅý¥L̦^¹q µM«á¥¼´¿¦^ ... [/quote]
°¸¬O»¡¼g«Hªº®ÉÔ¥i¥H¤£¥Î¤Ó½Ä!! ©Ò¿×²zª½¨ä©M... ¤~¤£·|±o¤º¥~¶Ë(¦³·l¤ºÅ¦»P¬ü®e¤])...:luck:
§A¤§«e¥´¹q¸ÜÀ³¸Ó³£¬Oªk°ê¨ººØ±Mªù¬°¤j¤½¥qªA°Èªºcentre d'appel, ±µ¹q¸Üªº¤H¦³¥i¯à®Ú¥»¤£¬O¼t°Ó¤½¥qªº¤H,¾÷©Ð¬Æ¦Ü¦³¥i¯à¦b¶ë¤º¥[º¸,¥_«Dµ¥¤H¤u«K©yªº³B©Ò...·íµM·Ó¥»«Å¬ì,¶W¹Lªº´NºÃ°Ý¤T¤£ª¾Åo!!!
³o¦^§A¦³¤F¦W¤l´N¦n¿ì¤F!! ª½±µ½Ð±Ð¦o,®Ú¾Ú«OÃҮѦX¬ù,²zÀ³´«·s©Î°_½X¦bײz´Á¶¡¦³¥N´À«~...
:luck: |
¦^´_ #13 lpbm ªº©«¤l
³o§Ú¦³¸gÅç §Ú¦Ñ¤½À°¤@Ófreebox¦³°ÝÃDªººô¤Í¥´¹q¸Ü¥hfreebox ¥L»¡®Ú¥»´N¬O¤@¨Çªk¤å«ÜÄꪺªü©Ô§B¤H¦b¦^¹q¸Ü |
0810-632525 ³oÓ¸¹½X¯»¶Q§a?? ¶¶«K¨DÀv~~~ |
laurentchao | 2007-11-12 11:31 AM |
hello Heidi :
´£¨Ñ©p¤@Ó¤p«Øij , ½Ð©p¥ý¥Í¼g¤@«Êªk¤å©ê«è«H , µM«á¨ì¶l§½¥H¦sÃÒ«H¨ç±H¥X !
¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý§a ! |
¦^´_ #16 laurentchao ªº©«¤l
¸g¹L§Ú¥þ²y©ê«è«H¨gµo ¨þ¨þ ¸ò¨ºÓmadame²á§¹«á ¬Q¤Ñ¯uªº¦³¤H¦^¹q»¡n´«¤@¥x·sªº ¤£¹Ln§Ú¦Ñ¤½¦^¶Ç¤@¨Ç¸ê®Æ »¡2Ó§«ô¤º¨Ó´«§a ÁöµM«ÀY¨ì§À¤@ª½¤£¸ÑÄÀ¤§«e±µ¹q¸Üªº¤H¬O¦b²V¤°»ò·N«äªº §Ú¦Ñ¤½»¡³o¦¸¦³«ü¦W¹D©m§ä¨ì¥i¥Ht³dªº¤H ©Ò¥H¤£·|¦AÄF¤H¤F §Ú´N´Á«Ý¬Ý2Ó§«ô«á µ²ªG¦p¦ó ¯u¬O³Q¥´±Ñ¤F §Ú¦Ñ¤½¦A«ç»ò¥´«ÈªA³£¨S¥Î n§Ú±H«Â¯Ù«H¤~¦³¤H²z
¬Ý¬Ý³o½g§Ú¶K¦bUKªº¤å³¹ §Ú¯uªº¬O¯àpo´Npo°Ú
[url]http://www.clik2complaints.co.uk/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1771[/url] |
laurentchao | 2007-11-13 09:35 AM |
Ãø¹D©p¤]¬O»O¤¤¤H¶Ü ? ¤õÃzªºÓ©Ê¸ò§Ú¦³ÂI¬Û¦P , ¼H¼H !
§Ú¤]¬O±`¬Ý¤£ºDªk°ê¤Hªº¿ì¨Æ®Ä²v¤Î¤èªk .... ¤]¬O¨g¼g«Â¯Ù«H !! «¢ «¢ |
¦^´_ #18 laurentchao ªº©«¤l
§Ú¬OөʶWpeacefulªº»O¤¤¤H ¬O³Qªk°ê¤H®ð¬µ¤F ¤~Åܩʪº |
Irenechou | 2008-10-20 05:43 PM |
«Øij¦b±¾¹q¸Ü«e°Ý¨ºÓ»P§A±µ¬¢¤Hªº¦W¦r¡A¨C¦¸¥´¥h´N§ä¨ºÓ¤H¡A¬O½Ö³B¸Ìªº´N§ä½Ö¡A¤£nÅý¦o̱À¨Ó±À¥h |
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