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curioussoul2008-8-7 08:25 AM







Bay2008-8-7 08:29 AM

curioussoul2008-8-7 09:11 AM

crazy45692008-8-7 01:01 PM
to curioussoul 經濟來源聲明書

經濟來源聲明書 請看居留證件與其它證件相關問答 » 經濟來源聲明書


French Version :
Je soussigné(e), [M. / Mme] [surname and first name of the parent or guardian] résidant au [address of the parent or guardian] déclare être [le père / la mère / le tuteur] de [surname and first name(s) of the student], demeurant à la même adresse.

Je confirme que je serai responsable financièrement pour l’étudiant cité ci-dessus pendant son séjour en France, à Grenoble Ecole de Management, au cours de l’année académique 2007– 08.

Fait à [town where the person writing the letter is when writing the letter], le [date].


English Version :
I, [Mr / Mrs] [surname and first name of the parent or guardian] residing at [address of the parent or guardian] do hereby certify that I am the [father / mother / guardian] of [surname and first name(s) of the student] who also lives at the above address.

I confirm that I shall be financially responsible for the above-mentioned student during his/her period of study in France at Grenoble Ecole de Management during the academic year 2007– 08.

Written in [town where the person writing the letter is when writing the letter], on [date]

P.S. (English version for reference only).
This is not an official document, and thus remains optional.
格式就大概這些可以參考參考, 這個應該可以先在台灣準備好吧 我有準備
先這樣囉 加油!

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