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infine-art2009-5-21 05:03 AM
別錯過最精彩最盛大的拉丁派對 Taiwan’s Biggest Latin Party (6/13)

INFINE presents Taiwan's biggest Latin party, a spectacular night featuring a show by Taiwan's best Latin dancers, a live performance by Latin band Mandinga and a set by DJ Zulu (Barcelona). Set on Saturday June 13th at Riverside Live House (Ximenting), the Latin Music and Dance Festival is also a dance party where everyone is invited to drink, celebrate, and discover Latin culture. Mini dance classes will be provided as well as a chance to win free Spanish lessons and dance classes in a lucky draw. Tickets include one raffle ticket and one free beer, and VIP tickets are available with a special viewing area and access to the VIP lounge with free beer and free Mexican food.


上苑系列活動首波主打「拉丁音樂舞蹈嘉年華」,6/13周六晚間7:30,於西門町河岸留言舉行,結合異國文化熱鬧慶典與抽獎活動, 台灣最大拉丁派對即將登場!!網羅頂尖拉丁舞者表演與教學、Mandinga樂團熱情演奏、西班牙DJ Zulu嗆辣打碟等最道地的拉丁元素,要你不瘋狂也難!週末夜晚邀集你和死黨,盡情享受這場拉丁狂歡夜。


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