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jcmoiaussi2010-4-18 09:24 AM
cv 怎麼寫? ~~~ 急

我想要申請法國 english program 的 management 碩班

可是網路上太多版本 好複雜



frida_wang2010-4-18 11:06 AM

- First you have your name, adress, phone number and e-mail on the top left
- Langues parlées
- Expériences professionnelles
- Formation (Date starting from the most recent one)
- Certificats et diplômes obtenus
- Lastly, Centrse d'intérêts

I hope it'll help you...
p.s: you can add a photo of you on the top right, if you want.

查看完整版本: cv 怎麼寫? ~~~ 急

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