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necromancer3512012-6-12 10:22 PM


在Grenoble 要選哪間銀行開戶,可以直接存旅支或手續費低廉或管理費低廉呢?

考量到初抵Grenoble時,資金的開銷可能挺大的,約莫會帶上1萬歐的盤纏,很擔心旅支在當地的運用不便,such as: 01.有單日提領上限 02.有兌換面額限制 03.可供兌換據點少...等等諸如此類的問題衍生

曾考量過去兆豐銀行購買匯票,但匯票的風險又太高,萬一遺失了怎麼辦? 那我還不如直接帶現金去存比較快又實際還不用被銀行的選擇所綁住。


queen1946952012-6-14 12:30 PM

我是用中國信託開的匯票 我覺得很方便
到 Caisse D'epargne
Caisse D'epargne 開戶手續
1.帶你的護照 先預約開戶 因為要等2星期
小姐會問你的姓名 date of birth contact number

2.bring your passport 居住證明 學生證 聯絡電話
after two weeks

3.It takes long time because you hv to fill out plenty of ducoments

4.Its need 3 days or a bit more to cash the cheque

5.after one week you will receive a letter to inform you can go to bank
to claim the card.(u must claim the card with the letter they posted)

I think you just bring like $3000euros and the rest in cheque.
I dont know about travel cheque cause I have never used that.

In my case, I got an ANZ travel card, and i put some money,
you can chose the currency (there are ten different)
you wont be charged when everytime you pay by card,
only charge you when withdraw, and the fee is varies by the amount.
i think its very convenient, just transfer some money to travel card account from the ordinary ANZ bank account if you need more.
beware that once you dont wanna use anymore, withdraw the whole money is the only way to closure the travel card account.

If u still in TW, can go to ask ANZ branches for more information
or purchase online is possible:

miffygrass2012-6-15 12:47 AM
我用Credit Agricole

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