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標題: 中國要求紐政府增加上月地震傷亡學生父母之賠償 上一主題 | 下一主題
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註冊 2011-1-31
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#1  中國要求紐政府增加上月地震傷亡學生父母之賠償



14 March 2011 Last updated at 05:17 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitter ShareEmail Print NZ quake: China wants higher payments as Inquiry opens
This Japanese relief team helped find the dead in the CTV building in Christchurch

NZ waits on rugby World Cup ruling
The Chinese embassy in New Zealand has requested that extra compensation be paid to parents of Chinese students lost in the Christchurch earthquake.

An embassy official, Cheng Lee, said China's one-child policy made those lost lives more valuable.

More than 60 foreign students died out of a total toll of at least 166 people.

The New Zealand government has opened a Royal Commission of Inquiry into how entire office blocks collapsed in the 22 February quake.

Prime Minister John Key said the inquiry would focus on why two buildings - the CTV and Pyne Gould office blocks - failed to withstand the magnitude 6.3 earthquake.

"So many lives have been lost as a result of the February 22 earthquake that we must find answers, particularly about why such a significant loss of life occurred in two buildings," Mr Key said in a statement.

Fair treatment

Seven Chinese nationals have been confirmed dead and another 20 remain missing. They were among more than 60 staff and foreign language students killed in the CTV building.

The King's Education language school has held a memorial to remember all the dead.

Both the Chinese ambassador Xu Jianguo and embassy officials were reported by Radio New Zealand to have asked for higher compensation payments because the one-child policy made China unique.

"You can expect how lonely, how desperate they are, not only losing loved ones, but losing almost entirely their source of economic assistance after retirement," embassy official Cheng Lee said.

Higher payments would be "a demonstration of the importance the New Zealand government attaches to the Chinese international" students, he added.

The impact of the Christchurch quake is still visible New Zealand's minister for tertiary education, Steven Joyce, said it would be difficult under New Zealand law to provide special compensation to one group of victims.

The opposition Labour Party leader Phil Goff said all the dead must be treated equally.

"I'm sorry, you can't base your policy on that, there may be many students here that are only children in their families whether they be Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Filipino," Mr Goff said.

The families of visitors killed in New Zealand are eligible for a one-off funeral grant of up to NZ$4,500 (£2,071;$3,327) and a one-off survival grant of $4,700 (£2,163;$3,473) for a spouse and $2,351 (£1,082; $1,737) per child or dependent.

Meanwhile, more than 70 owners of businesses in the city centre were allowed into the central devastated zone of Christchurch for three hours on Monday, to salvage what they could.

Some business owners said they hoped to retrieve hard disks that would enable them to continue operating from other locations.

The number of names of the dead released so far is 117.

Quake recovery is expected to cost the country at least NZ$15bn ($11bn; £7bn).

[ Last edited by ouioui on 2011-3-14 at 12:26 PM ]

2011-3-14 12:25 PM
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紐國地震喪生 陸要求額外補償

更新日期:2011/03/14 18:20

(法新社威靈頓14日電) 北京當局今天要求紐西蘭政府,給予在基督城(Christchurch)地震中喪生的中國學童的父母額外補償,因為中國的一胎化政策使他們的損失加重。

中國駐紐西蘭大使館政務參贊程雷(Cheng Lei)說,一胎化政策意味著,在地震中失去兒子或女兒的中國父母,不僅失去了親人,也失去了未來唯一能賺錢養家的人。

程雷告訴紐西蘭廣播電台(Radio New Zealand):「你可以想見他們有多麼寂寞、多麼絕望,不僅僅是因為他們失去了親人,而且也失去了未來他們退休之後主要的經濟來源。」

官方已經確認有7名中國學生在上個月規模6.3的地震中喪生,另外有20多個中國學生推測已經罹難,但尚未獲得正式確認。這些學生就讀的語言學校大樓在地震中坍塌。(譯者:中央社何孟奎)1 何孟奎


中國為基督城地震罹難的大陸獨生子女 要求特別賠償

更新日期:2011/03/14 10:35






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